Workshop on Computer Architecture Education | |
In conjunction with FPT 2011 The 2011 International Conference on Field-Programmable Technology http://www.cse.iitd.ac.in/~icfpt11/ December 15th, 2011 IIT Delhi, India |
The objective of this workshop is to solicit presentations on successful experiences and promising ideas for teaching Computer Architecture and Digital Design
Computer architecture education today is mostly descriptive and does not provide the excitement and intellectual vigor to the students that come from problem solving and hands-on design experience. Simple pipelined architectures are taught using abstract circuit diagrams depicting gates, registers and memories, while more complex architectures are taught even more informally. Is this primarily due to the non-availability of tools and design techniques that permit quick explorations of design alternatives? Can this situation be changed?
The goal of the workshop is to bring together educators and researchers who have experience in teaching computer architecture and digital design and learn from their experiences. We would like the participants to share their experiences in using the tools they use for teaching. We will have a keynote by Professor Arvind, MIT, on the novel approach to teaching architecture and digital design that he has been experimenting with at MIT and Seoul National University
Topics to of interest to the workshop include, but are not limited to:
Target Audience: Teachers, professors in the area of computer architecture, digital design, compilers, EDA tools etc.; practicing architects and designers. Anyone who would like to contribute to hands-on design courses.
Directions: Once you enter from the main gate of IIT, you would see the main building in front (that is the only tall 8 storey building). After the main building there would be a small triangular ground and after that on your right you would see the Bharti building with sports grounds on the left. The workshop would be held on the ground floor as you enter the building.
Please submit an abstract (maximum 500 words) by email to to Amey Karkare (karkare [AT] iitk.ac.in) on or before October 31, 2011 November 15, 2011 (Extended)(Over). We will try to accommodate everyone who wants to speak as permitted by the time constraint.
Registration fees:
Indian Participants from Academia | Rs. 2500 |
Other Indian Participants | Rs. 5000 |
Participants from Outside India | USD 100 |
The fees will include lunch and coffee breaks.
Registration form:
Payment Options
1. Draft/Cheque :
The Draft/Cheque should be made in the name of Workshop on Computer Architecture Education, payable at Kanpur.
Completed form, with Draft/Cheque, should be sent to the following address:
Amey Karkare
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
IIT Kanpur - 208016
2: Electronic Transfer : The bank details for the transfer are:
Account Name | Workshop on Computer Architecture Education |
Account Number | 32011162485 |
Account Type | Savings |
Bank | State Bank of India |
Branch Code | 1161 |
Branch & Address | IIT Kanpur, Kanpur, U.P., India - 208016 |
Please mail the details of the transfer by email to to Amey Karkare (karkare [AT] iitk.ac.in), with a copy of the registration form as attachment.
NOTE: Some sponsorships might be available. For details of the sponsorships, the participants may contact Prof. V Kamakoti (veezhi [AT] gmail.com).
09:00 AM - 11:00 AM | Session 1: Inauguration Session | |
09:00 AM - 9:30 AM | Inauguration | Prof M Balakrishnan, Prof V Kamakoti, Prof Rajat Moona |
09:30 AM - 10:15 AM | Keynote: A Constructive Approach to Teaching Computer Architecture | Prof Arvind, MIT, USA |
10:15 AM - 11:00 AM | Invited Lecture: Learning Computer Architecture through Experimentation | Prof Anshul Kumar, IIT Delhi |
11:00 AM - 11:30 AM | Tea Break | |
11:30 AM - 01:35 PM | Session 2: Faculty Presentations | |
11:30 AM - 11:55 AM | Teaching a Undergraduate Computer Architecture Course: SNU CSE Experience | Prof Jihong Kim, Seoul National University |
11:55 AM - 12:20 PM | Teaching a Undergraduate Computer Architecture Course: IIT Chennai Experience | Prof Kamakoti V, IIT Chennai |
12:20 PM - 12:45 PM | Introduction of Hardware Design in Computer Organization Course in a Structured Way at IIT Kanpur | Prof Rajat Moona, Prof Amey Karkare, IIT Kanpur |
12:45 PM - 01:10 PM | Teaching Computer Architecture Using a Mobile Device | Prof SRN Reddy, IP University |
01:10 PM - 02:10 PM | Lunch Break | |
02:10 PM - 03:00 PM | Session 3: Faculty Presentations (Contd...) | |
02:10 PM - 02:35 PM | Teaching Digital Design through PSoC | Prof Srinivas Mandalika, BITS Pilani |
02:35 PM - 03:00 PM | Enhanced WBEM Architecture for Heterogeneous Networks | Prof Manvi Mishra, SRMSCET Bareilly |
03:00 PM - 05:15 PM | Session 4: Student and Industry Presentations | |
03:00 PM - 03:20 PM | Hardware Architecture Design Of Present And Future Tablet PCs | Priyanka, Anjali Arora, Banasthali Vidyapeeth |
03:20 PM - 03:40 PM | VirtuQ Labs : Virtualizing Computer Architecture and Information Technology Education | Basant Dwivedi, Anup Gangwar, VirtuQ |
03:40 PM - 04:10 PM | Invited Lecture: REDEFINE Architecture Framework for Reconfigurable Silicon Cores | Prof S K Nandy, IISc Bangalore |
04:10 PM - 05:15 PM | Industry's past support to Computer Architecture Education, Future support plans and their return expectations from Academic Institutions | Intel, AMD, Bluespec (All to be confirmed) |
05:15 PM - 05:30 PM | Session 5: Concluding Remarks |